Muxman MXP files - VM Commands
ver 1.0
This is just the syntax of the command source code, for details on the operation of the commands see vm commands (requires developer subscription)


Command syntax is not case sensitive except for references to names (such as PGC_name, PG_name, etc)


All commands can be preceeded with the if clause to execute the command after testing a register's value. The clause may be one of the following:
If ( GPRMx rel GPRMy )
If ( GPRMx rel SPRMy )
If ( GPRMx rel int )
Compare (rel) operators
&Bitwise compare, the two operands are anded, if the result is non-zero the condition is true
= =If the two operands are equal the condition is true
!=If the two operands are not equal the condition is true
>=If RegX is greater than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
>If RegX is greater than the right operand the condition is true
<=If RegX is less than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
<If RegX is less than the right operand the condition is true

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